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Conservation Commission Minutes - 08/12/2010

     Minutes of Meeting
August 12, 2010

To:  Town Clerk
cc:   Members

Present:  J. Senterman, A. Tolland, R. Willis, J. Fournier, C. Botchis, M. Allen
          N. Alfieri, Conservation Agent

Absent:  J. Livingstone

There was a motion to accept the minutes of the July 15th, 2010 meeting.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 4-0-2; 4 Yes, 0 No, 2 Abstentions.

Mr. Nick Alfieri’s Agent’s Report has been appended to the minutes.

Discussion:  6 Longwalk Road
Mr. Alfieri informed the Commission members that the applicant has submitted a plan with a shed and fence along a drainage easement; this was not part of the original plan.

The Commission Chairman stated that since this is an open Order of Conditions, he would like the applicant to file an Amendment Request for this work.

Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 300 Fisher Street – BJAT LLC – CE159-1000
Mr. Nate Gardner, a representative of Norfolk Ram Group, appeared before the Commission for the installation of a chainlink fence around a portion of the property.  Mr. Gardner reviewed the details of the plans for the Commission’s review.

Mr. Alfieri informed the applicant of 4 items to be addressed in this Notice of Intent filing.

A Commissioner questioned the location of a perennial stream that crosses Fisher Street and he would like to determine its location on a site walk.  There is also a gap in the fence shown on the plan and questioned as to the reason for this.  He also questioned the reason that the DEP sign was not noted in the construction sequence.

The Commission will conduct a site walk of the site on Monday, August 23rd at 6:30 p.m.

There was a motion to continue the hearing until the next meeting on August 26th.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 82 Populatic Street – Courier – CE159-999
Mr. Glenn Krevosky, Engineer of EBT Environmental Consultants, and Mr. & Mrs. Phil Courier, the applicants, all appeared before the Commission for the construction of addition to an existing single-family house.

Mr. Alfieri informed the applicant of 3 items to be addressed in this Notice of Intent filing.  He also informed the Commission that he has received a letter from an abutter to the site who had concerns regarding his well location with the recharge.  This letter has been added to the file.

Mr. Krevosky informed the Commission that he has reviewed the stormwater regulations regarding this matter.  He also gave an overview of the revised site plans for the Commission’s review.

A Commission member stated that erosion control along the fence would be worthwhile and requested that it be added to the plans.

The Commission Chairman informed Mr. Krevosky that he is required to submit a project narrative for this project and gave an overview of the details of what this narrative should include.

There was a motion to continue the public hearing until August 26th.  The motion was seconded and withdrawn.

Three special conditions were discussed with the applicant.  They are:  

        o       Extending erosion control up to the end of the driveway.

        o       Submittal of the project narrative.

       o        Care and maintenance of the hemlock trees on the site during the project.   

There was a motion to close the public hearing.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Summer Street – Town of Franklin DPW - CE159-998
Mr. Ray Willis, Conservation Commission member, recused himself from this public hearing.

This project is for installation of a new water line on Summer Street.

The Commission stated that a DEP file number has been received and has been added to the file.

Mr. Alfieri had no additional comments regarding this project and attached some Special Conditions for review to be added to the Orders of Conditions.

There was a motion to close the public hearing for Summer Street.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.

There was a motion to issue the State and Local Orders of Conditions for Town of Franklin DPW work on Summer Street.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-0.

Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 485 East Central Street – Galaxy Development - CE159-
Mr. Patrick Doherty, Engineer of Midpoint Engineering & Consulting, and Mr. Mark Manganello, Ecologist of LEC Environmental, both appeared before the Commission for the construction of a grocery store building.

Mr. Doherty provided the Commission members with an update of the project and what progress has been made to date.

Mr. Alfieri requested that he look at the wetland delineation at the front of the site along the access road and the status of the stream and whether it is intermittent or perennial.

Mr. Manganello gave the Commission members an overview of his recent visit to the site.

Mr. Alfieri informed the applicant of 2 comments that need to be addressed in this Notice of Intent filing.

Mr. Doherty requested that the public hearing for this project be continued until September 23rd.

There was a motion to continue the public hearing until September 23rd.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.


        Certificate of Compliance:  19 Tanglewood Drive - SE159-763
        Mr. Alfieri stated that all areas within Conservation jurisdiction are stabilized and   recommends issuance of a Certificate of Compliance.  

        There was a motion to issue a Certificate of Compliance for 19 Tangle wood Drive.  The  motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

        Minor Buffer Zone Activity:  5 Pauline Drive
        This application was presented to the Commission at the last meeting and the applicant  had requested to cut down 3 trees.  The Commission requested that the third tree be     pruned and not cut down and the applicant has revised the application to denote this.

        There was a motion to issue a Negative Determination subject to the 3 standard  conditions that the applicant notify Staff at the beginning and the end of the work and that    the work be done according to the plan and 1 additional condition that the third tree be        pruned by a certified arborist.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of
        5-1-0; 5 Yes, 1 No, 0 Abstentions.

        Minor Buffer Zone Activity:  19 Tangle wood Drive
        The applicant has requested to install a patio between the deck, shed and pool.  The area       is presently grassed.  Mr. Alfieri recommends that any sod removed be taken off the site.
        The work will take place approximately 80 ft. from the edge of the wetland.

        There was a motion to issue a Negative Determination subject to the 3 standard  conditions that the applicant notify Staff at the beginning and the end of the work and that    the work be done according to the plan and 1 additional condition that the sod be       removed from    the site.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 4-2-0;
        4 Yes, 2 No, 0 Abstentions.
        Minor Buffer Zone Activity:  21 Haverstock Road
        The applicant has installed a shed without a Conservation permit.  The shed would be    located 50-60 ft. from the Charles River.  Mr. Alfieri recommended that the Commission  conduct a site walk and also issue a fine for starting this work without a permit.

        There was a motion to issue a $75 fine to the owner of 21 Haverstock Road for the illegal       installation of a shed.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

        Mr. Alfieri will arrange for a site visit of the property with the homeowner.

        Discussion:  Pare Final Report
        Mr. Alfieri informed the Commission members that he has previously sent out copies of   the final DelCarte Report and sought comments regarding this report.

        The Commission members expressed no comments or concerns regarding this report.


        Extension Permit:  Chestnut Street Senior Living - SE159-918
        There was discussion regarding the issuance of the Extension Permit for this site.   
        The applicant’s attorney has submitted a letter stating that research does not indicate that    Orders of Conditions are tolled during pending litigation.

        There was a motion to extend the Local Orders of Conditions for Chestnut Senior Village         for one year.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Signed Certificate of Compliance, Orders of Conditions, Extension Permit & Determinations of Applicability
Certificate of Compliance – South Hill Estates – Staniscia/Pericolo - SE159-852
Orders of Conditions – Summer Street - Town of Franklin – CE159-998
Determination of Applicability (Negative) - 5 Paulene Drive – Clay
Determination of Applicability (Negative) – 19 Tanglewood Drive – Swinamer
Extension Permit – Chestnut Street Senior Village – Ranieri – SE159-918

There was a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.  The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Celorier
Conservation Secretary